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The view of mathematics education as science

Friska Ledina Situngkir(1Mail), Izwita Dewi(2),
(1) Department of Mathematics Education, Saint Thomas Catholic University Medan, Medan, Indonesia
(2) Department of Mathematics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

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This paper will discuss the view of mathematics education as science. This study is the result of a variety of relevant literature related to mathematics education as a science in a scientific discipline. Philosophically, mathematics is considered as the queen of science used by humans in everyday life. While knowledge itself is closely related to philosophy, where these two terms cannot be separated from each other. The science of studying natural phenomena itself. Science is the product of epistemology, ontology, and axiology. Philosophy and science are two similarities in that both seek the truth. A person who seeks the truth is a philosopher or philosopher. The source of philosophy is man, reason, and the human heart. For example, mathematics. Mathematics is a science about reasoning, about patterns and mathematics is the queen of science and at the same time a servant of science. Mathematics education is a mathematics lesson that makes students build logical thinking and build mathematical knowledge.


Philosophy; Mathematics; Mathematics Education; Science


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 Abstract views : 290 
 PDF views : 162 


Article Pages

Pages: 328-332


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Copyright (c) 2022 Friska Ledina Situngkir* & Izwita Dewi

International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research (IJTMER)

E-ISSN 2621-8488

Published by the SAINTIS Publishing
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