Gold Open Access

A mathematical problem-solving framework-based Integrated STEM: Theory and practice

Ijtihadi Kamilia Amalina(1Mail), Tibor Vidákovich(2),
(1) Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary
(2) Institute of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary

Mail Corresponding Author


STEM problem-solving is a core standard in education to tackle the 21st-century challenge. However, the under-represented mathematics in STEM assessment has become an issue. Moreover, the existing frameworks of STEM problem-solving are suitable for assessing activity during teaching and learning. This study covers the limitations by developing a new mathematical problem-solving-based integrated STEM framework and applying it into practice. The new framework combines and integrates frameworks in every STEM discipline. It applies in developing scenario based-test with prompting questions to show the practical use of the framework. The test was administered to 31 of 7th graders students (M=12.29, SD=.46) to prove the consistency of the new framework and the effective role of scenario and prompting questions. The results revealed four types of flows in the problem-solving process posed by students with different in evaluating, representing, and designing phases. The flow of problem-solving and the indicators in a new model were consistent but shown as a dependent process. The scenario and prompting questions worked effectively regardless of a multidimensional prompting question. Several recommendations for developing a test based on the new framework are discussed. Quantitative analysis with large sample size is required for future study.


Framework; Mathematics; Problem-Solving; STEM;


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 Abstract views : 1105 
 PDF views : 381 


Article Pages

Pages: 1-11


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